
Well it is Holy Saturday, and like always, the anticipation is killing me.  Easter Sunday is tomorrow and it is also the big “reveal” for the newly remodeled St. Patrick’s in Noblesville.  And no, I will not post a picture and ruin the surprise!  I have instead posted a picture of “There is a cat on my bed.” An artistic rendition of real life that is hanging on my bedroom door, and which I am certain will become a classic.  It has a current value of about $10,000, but in all honesty is not for sale.

But regardless, it has been a busy busy busy day.  Father Jon Back came up from Cincinnati to help, and the small Holy Saturday service we did took far less time than all the other work.  It was reflective of the season….everything builds toward Easter.

So I hope you are prepared for what is to come.  I know I am thanks to a lot of work by a lot of different people.  But now I need to get some sleep, of course after getting that dang cat off my bed.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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