A short post before the end of the day…….

Today was really my first full day back working, and I made the most of it in usual Tom Tirman style…..I packed in about 30 hours of work into 12 hours. No, I am not working on a second, more spectacular stroke, but I am in the process of relearning how to manage my life with a brain that doesn’t quite get it yet. (nor can it tell time) I was slap-happy in the late morning, yet far from done. It will be interesting to see what I feel like tomorrow.

What I can say is that I am emotionally and physically wiped out from the day, and from the happenings of life all around me. I do know I am way past my limit, and will forgo writing too much tonight…it would only be rambling.

But if you read this, I ask that you please pray for the family of Michael Treinen and for our community. His visitation is tomorrow and his funeral is on Thursday. Your prayers will mean a lot to everyone.

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.


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