
Yes, forgive me Father, for my last blog post was on Easter.  And I do confess with all my heart, soul, and mind that I have intentionally taken this past week off to make sure I adequately heal.

But TODAY I reentered the world of work and instead of being skiddish after last week’s stroke-fueled debacle, I got “back up on the horse” today and delivered sermons at both St. Patrick’s (where I was violently THROWN off the horse on Easter Sunday – you can read that post) and at St. Anne’s (which I missed to go have a CT scan).  And the day was a success.  I survived both and did quite well, which I am sure is about as big of a deal to many as the fact that May follows April.

The week however was interesting…..and instead of posting a scan of my brain I have decided to post a picture of the next Chuck Norris.  Yes indeedy, Ben has started Taekwondo, insisting even now (as a white belt which comes with your uniform) that he can already kick his brother’s sorry US Marine Corps butt…..which I cannot wait to see as Scotty should be home in late May on leave.

So for what it is worth, it was a really good distraction for me.  I am not big on doctors and hospitals nor residual problems from a stroke 5 years old that suddenly becomes public….very public.  But I am big on 5 year old “Hiya’s” (not to be confused with my more comfortable Curly Howard hiya.)  I cannot lie, I HATE HAVING ISSUES, and although they are a constant reminder of 5 years ago, they are almost always in private.  So having my own personal and delusional 5 year old really helps.

It reminds me of what I don’t want to be………. PFC Scotty Tirman who is coming home in May to get his but kicked by Chuck Norris Jr.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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