A post and offering I didn’t think would be possible………

Holy Smokes, when it rains, it pours! I am currently on my 30 day old MacBook Pro, that I bought to replace my 4 year old MacBook Pro because it wasn’t keeping up with all that I do. But today, out of nowhere it just shut off, and by shutting off, I mean DEAD. Not even the power cord lit up.

Of course when you have a lot to do, having to spend hours on the phone waiting for technical support while hearing on-hold messages about all you can do with your Mac, I believe at least, promotes mental breakdown. And of course no one can help. I was offered the option of a 3 hour drive to Mishawaka for a 5:45 appointment, but if they needed to keep it (as it was dead) I would have to come back THERE to pick it up when it was done. Not to mention that I had barely enough time to make it, so I passed on that.  I have an appointment on Tuesday for them to commandeer my Mac and it could not be at a worse time.
But I have it currently limping along, thanks to an Apple website about this problem. The tech said it definitely needs to come in, but I am like it is brand new……I haven’t even had enough time to load all my programs on it. I might see if I can sic David Thorne on them. It will give them a dose of their own meds.
But the important thing was being able to get on here to post. I was working on a clinical paper that needs to be in APA format, but at this point it sits in a “disorganized” format with not a lot of access to resources to fix it yet.  If it wasn’t due tomorrow I would be fine.  But too much stress about an electronic gadget that “is so simple to use” is about to blow out an aneurysm for me.
What I can say is that it is almost 11 and 2 miracles have happened.  The first is that I didn’t pour gasoline on this stupid thing and set it on fire. But the second one is far more spectacular as I am typing this in bed and Amanda is still up next to me reading her iPad.  She is never up this late so I am pretty sure is is because she finds me irresistible and just likes watching me work.  I believe my grandma called it being “smitten” with me, although  my grandma never had Pinterest.
Anyway, as my gift to you for almost not making it today I am offering you this picture of Ben. It made me smile, and I hope it does you as well.
Goodnight and God Bless!

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