Dodging debris (NOT) and other wisdom from the road……

First of all, YES, Father PT and I are fine, but as you can see my truck is not.  On the way back from a meeting this morning the driver in front of us hit a piece of steel and it flew up and struck the truck.  Fortunately, it was just wider than the windshield.  It dented the top of the cab just above where it hit and shattered the windshield.  And it is now in the shop overnight where it will have a new windshield installed in the morning (which I have a zero deductible on) and the dent will stay as I do not want to fork out $500.

But there are two things that come to mind as I type this tonight.  The first is the picture of Viper in MY SEAT LAST NIGHT.  And when I got in the truck and told him to get into H
IS seat I told him he was a dog and he couldn’t drive because I liked my truck and I was afraid he would wreck it.  He complied…..and I WRECKED the truck.

The second thing in the reminded of PT and I hitting what I believe to this day to be a wooly mammoth up just east of Fort Wayne last year.  (It’s no wonder they are extinct, that stupid thing jumped right into our car).  But he and I joking talked today about driving together anywhere anymore.  We clearly are having more than our share of troubles.

But I ALSO realized that I had cancelled any rental car insurance as I have 100 children and they all have cars, except for Ben.  The problem today is that they no longer live here.  So I rented a car, I THOUGHT for two days, but now it will be one as I will get my truck back tomorrow.

BUT WHEN I WENT IN to Enterprise to pick up my dinky whatever sized car I ordered, I mentioned that it must mean that she (the rental car manager) meant it was that hot black Dodge Challenger in the lot.  She said no, but had pity on me and for an extra $15 it was worth it.  Ben thinks we bought a race car.  And yes, he still doesn’t believe that we are getting the truck back.

But there are a few lessons from this day that I have learned.  One, I need to stop driving with PT.  I have almost killed him twice now and he and I are great friends.  I don’t want to put any tension on that by injuring him.  Two, my son Ben is a moron (although a moron who enjoyed taking his picture tonight with his mom in his new race car). We have told him CLEARLY that this is a rental, and what happened, and how tomorrow we will have the truck back, yet he still doesn’t get it.

But last and most importantly, from now on Viper can drive.  I have never let him, but he does have a license  and Lord knows he has to be able to do a better job than me.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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