Of fireworks, my porch, and God’s many blessings…….

Well my back porch is getting more spectacular with each passing night, because now as I look off to the southeast, in the distance, I am seeing the fireworks being set off at Conner Prairie’s “Symphony on the Prairie.” I have been to it many times, but unfortunately not this year. And despite my attempts, I cannot remember any year watching it from my porch. But it is a great site from any direction I am sure.

It is suppose to rain tonight, so I am glad the fireworks went off before the storm. I love both fireworks and storms, but I cannot help but think of those hundreds of people on blankets out there in the field listening to the symphony and watching the fireworks, and what a mud pit it would be if it started to pour! It’s such a wonderful place and such a wonderful event. I am glad the rain will arrive post-show, and not ruin the night for anyone.

As for me, I have enjoyed tonight’s unexpected gift. It was a nice addition to a great day, and the perfect way to end the night. Tomorrow Father Chuck, Deacon PT and Deacon Dan and I are meeting in Nashville. We may have a big announcement about that meeting very soon! But even more than that, I am looking forward to getting together with them. We get together weekly, and I love it so much because they are among the finest people I know. (and no, I haven’t been drinking!) It is just a blessing to work with friends, and to love to do what you do! It is no wonder we are seeing such marvelous things happen in our ministry as a Church!

Say a prayer for us tomorrow for safe travel, and please enjoy your day. No, there is not much substance to this tonight, but quite frankly I believe the fireworks were a gift from God for my over-reeling mind. Sometimes you just need to sit back and relax. I am thankful for that opportunity tonight!

Say your prayers and enjoy a good night’s sleep! May tomorrow be a blessed day for us all!


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