Of the Twilight Zone and other family twists and turns….

Scotty asked me this morning if I had blogged about the minor traffic accident that occurred at Church in Nashville yesterday, and I remembered that I had not.

You see yesterday as we were leaving Nashville, (you may remember I drove down and picked up Scotty at Edinburgh where Amanda had taken all the kids to shop while i did a wedding) I had to get out of the car (I was in the passenger seat…Scotty was driving) and get our Church sign and take it back into the Church. Everyone of course thought I had left, but when the sign got hit, I figured it was my responsibility to pick it up and take it in, and of course confess.

And so I did. The sign was fine, bit it was amazing to me at how everyone started to laugh. After all, Scotty had been driving just three weeks, and now “WHACK,” a sign was hit!

But I just smiled and handed Deacon Conley the sign, and said, “No my friend, Scotty didn’t back into the sign…..Amanda did!” And of course that got the biggest laugh of all!

That’s why Scotty wanted me to post, because in truth, he is still laughing! She is all over him about driving safely, and he does, but he is one down on her in terms of hitting signs! And he wanted her, and you to know!

Of course by the time I got outside, She, Steph, and Ben were gone! SO I just got in the passenger seat with Scott and hit the road. He’s a great driver, and is doing quite well. He has not yet driven the car with his brother in it……..Amanda is not yet comfortable with his level of experience.

Scott and I believe she must be waiting for some sign!

Nite and God bless.


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