The one that almost got away………..

In my endless attempt to order my life, sometimes things just get away. I try my best to remember everything, and now to do so without the aid of countless lists……but occasionally things just evade me. This blog was my Saturday’s big escape. And although it is dated for the 12th, I actually had to write it on the 13th when I woke up. As I went to bed, it was nagging me, “I am missing something,” I thought. Sure enough, when I went to check it this morning, there it was, or better yet said, there it wasn’t.

You might find it odd that I check it each morning, and if you were here with me, you might find plenty of things to be odd. But when you damage your brain, your mind seeks out paths around the damage and new ways to do things you may have done for years. Getting through each day accomplishing all that I do is something I have done my entire 35 years of life (my ability to tell how old I am is still damaged and I am not going to work on it), but one of the ways I manage each day is through a lot of routine.

Last night however, a lot of new things came into play. We are in a different facility for St. Patrick’s on Sunday and all the extras about that worried me. I did bulletins, picked music, got my vestments ready, went over to take care of our friends’ dogs, went to the store, and then sat down right at the laptop and tried to figure out what I was missing! Isn’t that a hoot??? It was typing on the thing I had my hands on, yet it never came to me! Thank God I am not a surgeon!! My insurance would be pretty high!

No worries though, I was up early enough and I figured it out. Puddy and I came out onto the porch and I typed while she protected our house from both bird and bug. The sunrise was spectacular and I am thankful for the opportunity. God is good, and I know that is one thing I will never forget. I hope none of us ever do. But even in the times that we may mess up a bit, or miss, like I did this blog here which was waiting for me, He is always there to provide another chance!

Thank God….oh yeah, I guess that’s what it’s all about anyway!

God bless! Get up and go meet me at Church!


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