One of the good guys has gone home……

I was saddened to hear about the death of Tony Snow over the weekend. Tony was not just a good Christian man, but conservative of my generation who firmly stood for his beliefs with both conviction and humor. His call of course was the media, and he did it, in my opinion, better than most. And I know I, as well as many others, will miss his leadership for the conservative cause.

Men such as Tony Snow, and I suppose I could argue even Tim Russert, reflected their ideologies in such ways that people would listen and learn. And though Russet’s beliefs were often far from my own, both Russert’s and Snow’s were respectful of everyone. They drew people into conversations on pertinent issues rather than just spewing partisan poison. If the world had more of them, I’d just bet we’d be far better off. Both were men of deep faith, and that in itself was a witness we need in Washington DC and far beyond if you ask me!

But as I watched some of the coverage of Tony Snow’s death, it brought a lot back a lot of memories for me. His interviews after his first bout with cancer reminded me a lot of my two sisters that have died from cancer, particularly my sister Stephanie.

You know, sometimes people who know they are dying can teach us a lot about living. I know my sister did. She CHOSE to live everyday because she knew that everyday counted. I thought about that A LOT when I was sitting in the hospital in April after my stroke, and I still do everyday. Tony Snow, Tim Russert, my sisters, a relative, a friend….it doesn’t matter. It is a lesson we do not want to miss! I know I don’t intend to, and I hope you don’t either.

As for me, I will continue to take the lessons I have learned and move ahead. Everyday still matters to me, and I intend to still stand for those conservative causes in which I believe. Life is too short for me not to. But, in faith, I will continue to do it like the great ones have taught me, with good humor, firm conviction, and a faithful and respectful heart.

One of the good ones went home to be with the Lord this weekend. We must say our prayers for him and his family, and to honor his memory, continue to work for the cause.

I hope we all will.

Godspeed to you my friends, and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

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