Thank God for the Book Fair…..

Okay, this is sort of old news, as this picture was not taken today, but yesterday.  I did however see it on my phone today.  AND all I have to say is THANK GOD FOR THE BOOK FAIR.

Why you ask?  Well, quite simply because this picture was taken yesterday….the day I did NOT come to pick Ben up in the Challenger (a rental…see prior posts) and to be very honest he was very PUT OFF.  But it WAS the day of the book fair, and like any other 5 year old with his priorities in order, he picked a book that had a TOY…..3D glasses, so he was not willing to be put off that long.  He instead wore the glasses in protest (see picture) and the dog was cropped out as he was in the back too, but just seemed too damn happy for any type of negativity.  (He was not allowed in the rental car)

The highlight however was the trip home.  The glass company swept the truck out as there was glass EVERYWHERE (including in my clothes…although I swept that myself).  But I offered to pay them to do that, but it was just part of what they did.  Regardless however, with a 5 year old, I re-swept it myself.  I did find some glass and was glad to find it without crisis.

BUT………after I picked up Ben I turned on the defroster……and guess what?  YEP…glass shards everywhere.  So we headed to the car wash to sweep the crisis out and then home to my Rigid Vac to get the rest.

HE HOWEVER kept the glasses on the whole way.  He is such a Prima Dona…… but then again, isn’t everyone who hits the Book Fair?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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