Of my incredible wrestling abilities………

Tonight all of our clergy, with the exception of Father Sean who starts next week, snuck down to St. Matthew’s in Nashville to sit in the congregation as Deacon Tony Bender (our newest deacon) held his first Deacon’s Mass. No pressure on Tony that’s for sure (ha ha)…..just Deacon Dan helping him and the other three of us sitting out there smiling at him! But despite all of us staring at him, he did a great job. (He’s a pretty steady, good natured guy!) I actually had never been present for a Deacon’s Mass before, because when a priest is present he usually just celebrates the Eucharist himself. But Father Chuck had seen a Deacon’s Mass, and I wanted to see one…..and who better to see for my first than my good friend of 25 years Tony Bender?

But actually, that is not my story tonight. My story is Ben, and more than that, it’s Amanda too. You see, I NEVER sit in a congregation except on rare occasions, and those rare occasions are never in any of my own churches. So tonight as a rookie out there in the seats, I made a real rookie mistake. I decided it would be a good idea for me to hang with Ben through the service. Little did I know it would not be all worship and observation for me…..no, it was often a wrestling match instead, and I lost a lot of its rounds.

Ben first wanted the collar tab that makes the white square in the uniform of a priest. (He has NO concept of personal space) It’s funny how he is always stealing that collar tab from me, but this time after he stole it, he was adamant about not giving it back! Then he decided he wanted to throw stuff on the floor, then he wanted to jump, and then he wanted to yell just to hear his voice! So I got up and took him with me to the last row, but about half way through the service Amanda felt that he and I were just being too much and he was taken away from me faster than the Cubs lose in September every year. And to this very moment I am not sure whether it was punishment or a gift, but needless to say I needed it either way. And he was whisked off and returned a short time later as delightful as ever.

How she does that, I will never know, but I have to say, I admire her work. I know he doesn’t understand words too well, but he certainly seemed to understand her. She has a real handle on how to handle him, and for that I am thankful.

In truth, I am just happy she didn’t whisk me away…….I do not think I would have fared as well!

So now we are home and Ben is asleep and the day is at its end! Thank the Lord! I am not watching tomorrow, but will be back up in my usual spot. I know the congregation, and especially Amanda, will be thankful for that!

Nite and God Bless!


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