A bad Friday…..

I begin with yet another gratuitous picture of Ben, but the picture is unrelated.  Today has not been a good day for me, in fact it has been awful…..for sometimes even in what appear to be the calmest waters there can be storms.  And today was such a day.

What bothers me the most is that I look at life an really do have a lot of hope for people, but some days they really let you down.  And yes, sure, that signifies a much deeper issue for me, but I assure you I keep at it and work hard to try and make this world a better place.  I have dedicated my life to it in fact.

But today has been more than a disappointment for me.  No, I need not go into the detail other than to say that I ask you prayers for people to live in the ways that God intended for them to live.  We are not animals without reason.  We are not hedonists who are just concerned about our own pleasure or satisfaction.  We are instead children of God, called to live into that reality and reflect it with our lives.

I pray this day for the people not only in my heart, but for those who cut it and try to wound it as well. We can do better and we should……yet all I can do is pray and begin with me.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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