A day of mixed feelings……

Yes, today we were able to see Steph and watch her play lacrosse.  Today the Lions suffered their FIRST defeat at the hands of Rollins, the current #5 ranked team in the NCAA Division II (national) poll.  Lindenwood had the lead and control over the majority of the game, but lost by one goal in the final two minutes.  It was a heartbreaker.

But we did get to see Steph, and she was one of the featured players on the program today (see the picture….bottom left)  AND we were able to get her supplies and take her out to dinner.  So the other picture is of Steph and Mel and Ben at Outback Steakhouse where Ben told our waitress (Kayla) that his cousin had the SAME NAME as her…….and that she was a girl.

But that was not his biggest feat tonight.  You may notice some writings on his forearms.  It was autograph night at Hunter Field and the team held an autograph session where they signed their season poster.  AND TONIGHT they also signed Ben.  He is a big hit with all the girls and he and they had a blast doing it.  It was far cheaper than a real tattoo artist too.

So this has been an eventful and fun day.  A win would have been better, but as an old coach and athlete I know you do not win them all.  It makes me no less proud.  Steph plays for one of the best teams in the country (see THIS ARTICLE in Laxmagazine.com Lindenwood Setting the Stage for NCAA II Contention  And ALSO this article about tonight’s game Rollins survives scare from Lindenwood)

But I am proud to be here rooting them on.  They are a great team and I have a great daughter.  And one more year of watching and then who knows………maybe I will step back into coaching again.  Lord knows I miss it!!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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