Apparently home too early… are stuck with me!!

Well, after Amanda posting three of the last four days for me, I figured I best get back and get at it. I really do not want to be replaced, nor do I need the pressure. She does however write in a very moving and thought-provoking way that reflects a deep faith…a style that clearly makes me wonder which one of us is really the ordained one! I just do not have the mind to write like her right now, though I AM working on it……but she writes so well that I wonder if I have EVER had such a mind!

You know, people often ask me why I became a priest, and to be truthful, I often wonder that myself! I suppose I could say because I was called to be, and yes Regis, that’s my final answer. Do I think I belong here? Often, no…..but I am not the One who decides that, anymore than I could decide where I was born, or who my parents are. In truth it’s God that calls us to the places we find ourselves (if we listen)… there you go, yes, I am indeed blaming it on God.

But seriously, I am a Christian, and like many others I have listened and followed because of how Jesus changed my life. I really never thought I would end up a priest (neither did anyone who knew me), let alone to be one for almost 20 years, but in the Lord’s defense, I have been a good one, and that’s a decision that I suppose reflects His Wisdom. You see, He always sees more in us than we ever do in our own selves, and as we open ourselves up to His Vision for us, we find our lives take turns in the most surprising and spectacular ways!

Personally I have no regrets at all about where I am and what I am doing with my life. I do wonder where He is calling me now that my whole world seems turned on its head in my rehab. But the way to find out is the way we all should walk…….by listening and by being faithful. In truth the Lord wants us all to succeed and to reach our full potential. My life is indeed changing. Will I still be a priest? Sure I will, but HOW I am to do it He is currently working on. I believe He is in the process of working another miracle in my life!

But I believe He works miracles in all our lives if we let Him. We just have to trust Him and allow Him to work! He has done well by me!

And I know, or better yet I promise, that if you let Him, He will do well by you as well!

Nite my friends and God Bless!


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