Sleeping beauty finds the bed to be crowded……..

If you have read this for any length of time, you probably have heard me talk about how my body sometimes just needs to sleep, and there are really no other options…….it’s a pretty common thing that happens to people who have had a stroke. Sleep heals the brain, or so they say, and for me today it was about all I could do when I got home. I was exhausted, and even when Amanda talked to me after I laid down, I am sure it was like talking to someone who was semi-comatose. I slept quite some time too.

The service in Nashville went very well, though I am a bit fuzzy on the details. Everyone loved the new facility, and of course the cake afterwards was also a hit. It was a day we could all clearly see God’s blessings abound, and abound all around us! And for me those are the best days. We then all went to the St. Matthew’s brunch, which after cake, was wonderful!

Our sites are now set upon St. Paul’s in Greenfield where we will hold our first worship service on Sunday, September 7th, one week from today! I am looking so forward to it too. I would have never believed that the Lord could lead us to such a wonderful ministry.

But now I can tell you that I probably would have gotten here a lot sooner had I been listening better to His Voice. It’s easy as a priest to get lost in all the administration, development, and future planning. Where I was before I retired and came to work for the orthodox wing of the Church was all “results driven,” rather than “faith driven.” I had to fight to be faithful in an environment that was more a business than a Church. But guess what? It IS SUPPOSED TO BE A CHURCH, and Churches are called to be gatherings of faithful people, prone to pray and follow the Lord rather than a business plan. They are to be led by pastors who use their Bibles over Excel spreadsheets and statistical studies. Professional growth and success never alluded me, but I can see now that I wasted a lot of precious time! Dear Lord I can see how often I got in Your Way, and for it I am truly sorry! What we are doing now is working, but it is working because we are faithful and because it is HIS CHURCH and not ours!

Anyway, I thought I was still tired, but apparently not too tired to get up on that soapbox! My writing tonight however WAS interrupted. Steph is at work, Amanda and Scott are at the grocery, and Ben was asleep in his crib when I started to type. Now, some time later, everyone is still where they were but Ben and me. He had a bad dream and now he and I are in MY bed! I am typing and he is sleeping and he is also taking up much more bed than a little guy should even be able to. But just like in my faith and ministry, I am choosing the good portion. I will remain a faithful leader, and a good dad. And Ben is welcome to hog my covers and pillow anytime!

Keep the faith my friends and God bless!


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