Of forced insomnia and not so forced indulgence……..

Today I have been attempting to catch-up all day. Sometimes I feel like a real wimp, and today has been one of those days. My need to sleep clearly carried over into today, and because I had a lot to do, I ended up fighting it all day….and not very well.

But overall, it has been well worth it. The kids were at home, Fr. Sean and his friends Ben and Betsey came by for an impromptu cookout, our little Ben got a lot of attention, and I blew any hopes of eating well very early in the day. Nothing says holiday I suppose like sampling everything at a cookout. It was great, but really not what I should be doing when trying to get myself together as my body is needing rest. I know some will say, “well Tom, you only live once.” And though that may be true, in my humble opinion there really is no need to cut that life short by sprinting to the grave with a poor lifestyle. It’s funny to me that it is a lesson often learned by most of us time and time again each year (particularly at cookouts and Thanksgiving) yet most of us don’t see that lesson stick. I will do my best to make sure I get back on the right track tomorrow.

The need for sleep is still my constant companion, and the day will be done in just a few hours. But I did want to write and say that I hope you had a blessed day with family and friends (or both)! Tomorrow is another day, filled by the Lord with new opportunities to laugh, and learn, to love, and to grow. My hope and prayer for you is that it will be among your best!

Happy Labor Day my friends, and God Bless!

Fr. Tom+

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