HELP from Amanda again…..

I have started to study the concept of prayer more deeply because I really feel the Lord is nudging me to understand it more clearly. I was trying to figure out why I don’t pray as I should. I started out with the standard list of excuses…I don’t have time, I don’t know how, I don’t know what to pray about…..blah, blah, blah. But when I moved past the basic reasons, I found out the true barrier that is in my way. My current “prayer life” is a beggar’s life. I have resisted prayer, because I feel like I am begging God, and it doesn’t feel good to me.

When prayers are just a list of everything you want God to do for you, it is easy to see why we might not feel complete or satisfied with our prayer life! It lacks passion! It lacks depth and personal meaning! And most of all, it lacks humility. This is usually how it goes…..please help me with this; or give me that; or I need this. Of course that feels empty! When I figure this out, it was what I call my “spiritual DUH!”.

I have read a lot lately on the topic of praying, and there are lots of perspectives to consider. But here is the cliff notes version I have stuck with…..a rich and powerful prayer life is a direct outcome of a deep relationship with God. And a deep relationship with God is a direct outcome of a rich and powerful prayer life. Doesn’t it remind you of the conundrum, which came first, the chicken or the egg?”
So the key is to start! I decided to spend an entire week not praying for anything but thanksgiving. No “I need this” or “please help me with something”….just good, old fashioned THANK YOU. And if you can’t find enough to be thankful for that fills up all the prayer time in a week….look again. I promise you there is more than enough to be thankful. It should come as no surprise, this prayer time felt better, deeper and more personal.

In Ephesians 1:16, it reads “I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” Even though this passage is from a letter written by Paul to the Ephesians, I see this as my prayer goal….to remember to give thanks first and foremost in my prayers to God. God bless!


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