Yellow Tips……..medium, not medium rare, seriously…….

Well in all honesty I had a lot of things I could post about today.  First, I woke up to a note from my wife that said, “Tom, I love you. Amanda”  I showed it to Ben and he was totally mad.  In fact he INSISTED that she had made a mistake and it was REALLY a note for HIM on MY desk.

And I will not bore you with the other things, but I will bore you with this picture tonight from Ben’s Taekwondo, where he received his “yellow tip.”  The yellow tip is what we in the priesthood call “bait.”  It is something that gets someone to look forward and want something more.  Ben will soon test for his yellow/white belt, but now he is a white belt (the one you buy when you start) and he has a yellow tip.  And he is TOTALLY PSYCHED!  In fact he was SO psyched he had to call his brother, PFC Scott Thomas Tirman USMC (named after ME, but Ben’s name is Benjamin SCOTT Tirman, named after his brother) and let him know that he now had his YELLOW TIP and that when he comes home he was going to KICK HIS BUTT!!! (Don’t worry I am going to film that for a future post)  But it was hilarious….as Scotty was playing along but Ben TOTALLY BELIEVES IT!

Anyway, it is all more than I can stand.  I love my wife, but she has obviously contributed NOTHING to our gene pool.  At least Steph seems to have potential…….but then again, she is my daughter.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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