More revealing than what most may want to Bear……..

What a glorious day! Despite just four hours sleep, I started the day in Nashville, and then met up with 58 other excited people to launch the first worship service of St. Paul’s in Greenfield! It was such a blessing to be a part of such a powerful and moving event!!

By the time we left Greenfield however, I was in real need of sleep. Ben slept in the car, so of course that meant that he was wide awake when we got home. We tried to put him down, and even tried sleeping with him, but he sees me quite often as a jungle gym, and today it was a jungle gym he hadn’t played on in days since I had been out of town! So I am totally exhausted, especially since I had to stay awake to watch the game.

And for those of you checking in to see if I will gloat, think again. Though I have been teased mercilessly about the Indianapolis Colts beating my (and God’s) favorite team, the Chicago Bears in the Super Bowl a couple of years ago, I will not take any revenge. No, I am not afraid of the three other Colts fans I live with (Ben likes the Bears), I just enjoyed watching the game. It reminded me of watching the Bears with my grandfather every week growing up. They played like the used to (which makes me yell at the TV a lot less) but the whole thing brought back some very special memories.

Of course now, nothing is in the way of my sleep but finishing up this, but I did want to share. Today has been a day of tremendous blessing, like a great big ice cream Sunday. And now to finally get to sleep at its end, is like the cherry right on the top!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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