Of zombies and the apparent treatment I am on……..

I know studies have shown that we sleep a pretty high proportion of our lives away. But after the past few days I am hoping no one ever studies me. My post-stroke body sometimes just shuts down and sleep is about all I can do. My percentage may be pretty high!!

Fr. Sean called me tonight and I spoke with him about it. It was late and I had been awake only a few hours. I know it is probably hard for a young guy to understand that, but I know even six months ago, it would be hard for me to understand as well. It really doesn’t matter, it doesn’t change a thing. When my body shuts down, it just shuts down. And to this point I am thankful that it has not ever happened on a day I have to work!

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. After all if all this sleep doesn’t make Tuesday easier, than I do not know what will. I do apologize for the lack of anything other than a report though. I really cannot do much more……one of the side-effects of these sleep days is that any and all time I am awake I am nothing more than a zombie……and as we all know, zombies don’t write good, I mean well.

Look for a well rested and amazingly inspirational me tomorrow…..or at least the well rested me.

God bless!


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