Caradactyl dreams…….

Yes, he cannot pronounce it, (he says “caradactyl”) nor does he believe me when I tell him what it is, but that really never matters to him……at 5 years old he is always right and far smarter than me.

He received the prehistoric replica for answering a “math question” at school.  It apparently was what do you get by adding 1 to any number.  And he nailed it, however he always does when there is a toy on the line.  Regardless, we are proud of him.

But his stubbornness has also reared its ugly head at other times this week as well.  My favorite was an argument that he and I got into on Tuesday.  You see Amanda had left ME a note on MY DESK.  It said “TOM, I love you. Amanda.”  Make your own assumptions about it, but I am guessing is was meant for me.

Oh but Ben would have none of it.  He KNEW the note was for HIM and that his mom just made a mistake……a big mistake apparently.

So I am living the easy life with my youngest son.  He gets everything right you know.  I just need to figure out how to get that to work for me.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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