Of the struggles of diet and recovery…..

It seems as if some days I do quite well, only to spoil it at the end! Tonight for instance, I stayed with my diet till about 9pm and then blew it with a vengeance! Why? I do not know.

But today has been an odd day all around. I slept until noon, though I was up at 6 like normal, intending to start the day. This stupid recovery irritates me at times! I really missed out on six hours that I could have used, yet all the work I have gets to be moved elsewhere and that just adds to stress! It is probably a contributing factor to the blowing of my diet, yet my prayer each day is for the Lord to just help me get through each day sensibly! Perhaps tomorrow He and I can do a better job!

But now it is 9:30, and Ben is in bed, the kids are at the ballgame and nine and one half hours appears to be enough! Keep me in your prayers though. I have a meeting at 8:30 tomorrow and then a wedding at 4:30 (plus a few sermons to complete). I feel like I have a handle on it now, but of course my body may have other ideas! Let’s hope not though! God willing, I will end tomorrow accomplishing a lot and accomplishing it all successfully! The meeting is not as vital, but I would hope to not goof up a wedding!!! Who wants to end up on America’s Funniest Videos anyhow?

So off to bed I go! My 75% success rate today body and I hope to get some sleep! Maybe tomorrow I can keep my hand on the wheel the entire day. It would be nice……everyone deserves a victory when they can get one!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless!


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