Forever alone……

Sure he seems cute now, but if he doesn’t start developing some semblance of normality soon he will be 35 years old playing video games and living in my basement.  The moustache, which he insists is real and that he grew tonight, has apparently been shaved in time for bed.  I love him, but he is bizarre.

Steph and Scott both had their share of weirdness too, but never to anything near the DEFCON level Ben goes.  Steph loved math and school and learning……so much in fact that I had to force her to go out and play.  Fortunately now she loves both. She is a chemistry major and a top notch athlete (her lacrosse team is now ranked 15th in the NCAA II poll in the COUNTRY!)

Scotty was the opposite. I had to force him to learn.  He was plenty smart enough, but his favorite subject in school was the same as mine…..recess.  He was all social.  If he had interest he he nailed it, but had really no interest in tests or being measured….he lived for the love of it.  In fact, he quit all the music lessons I ever paid for and then self-taught himself to be a very accomplished musician and theorist.  He loves history and can talk a lot about it, but has no interest on being graded about it.  And in a world that measures (SCHOOL), as a parent, he drove me nuts.  He was me, and I deserved him.

But each of my children give me a glimpse into myself.  And although I love them all and am every proud of them, I wish I could just go into their brains and tweak them with the things that I have learned by my mistakes.  Of course I can’t, but I can live with it.

Just like I will be living with Don Juan and his cheesy moustache…….everyday for the rest of my life.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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