A milestone birthday for a dear friend……….

Today was Father Chuck’s 80th birthday. I didn’t get to see him until I was able to arrive at a “surprise party” at his house that started at 2pm. Since I was on the schedule in Nashville and Greenfield, there was just no way to get there in time….but I was able to get there. It was funny too. Chuck is such an easy going guy, and I was told that he had even mentioned at St. Anne’s this morning a little about his birthday, and even how he really doesn’t like being the center of attention……little did he know!!!!!! He was totally fooled. Bonnie his wife even said he wanted to stop at an ATM and a gas station on the way home from church. He fell right into her trap!

Chuck’s house was filled with well-wishers, even as late as I was able to get there. He has lots of people who love him, and it was a great blessing to be there among many of them. I am glad to be one of them!

Happy Birthday Chuck. We love you and are all blessed to be a part of your life!


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