Of recovery, confusion, stumbling and philosophy…….

For those of you who have been wondering, Ben has made a remarkable recovery! His attention getting fever seemed to last just as long as he needed it too, and he reminded me as he took up most of our bed last night and spent the entire time kicking me in the ribs. He was no worse for the wear today, and for it we are all thankful. He is back to his usual jovial self!

My day however has been long. I worked all day and have a bit more to go before Sunday. Sermons come harder post-stroke, but I like them because they cause me to dig deeper. I suppose we could call it exercise for my mind. The proof is in the pudding though. Even though I work hard I suppose there is always the possibility that after hearing my sermon people may think my mind is out of shape! (But if so, hopefully not morbidly so!) I try hard, and I really do feel I have made good progress. With time I hope that I am satisfied with how I am doing myself. After all, I am my own harshest critic!

To report, a group of us spent all morning yesterday hoping to finalize a location for St. Patrick’s in Noblesville, but sadly we could not agree. As frustrating as that is for me, I know the implications are deeper. I really do believe that the Lord will provide what we need at the right time, but yesterday just never got to the point we all felt right. He however is very near, and I know resolution is right around the corner! Keep praying!

Anyway, I think I will go to bed early. After all, as the old saying goes, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man just tired still in the morning.” At least that’s what I think, but what do I ever know in such a confused state?

Good night my friends and God Bless.


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