Pour me another blindman………

Well I have spent the Lion’s share of the day in my yard.  No, I have not been in a chair with a book and a drink, but really in the yard with a chain saw, shovels, a spud bar, and mower.  And I have been trying to cut everything up in preparation for the fire I will set to burn all this that could very well at this point be seen from space.

But Ben and the dog were no help.  In fact, I had to take a break to take the dog to the vet and pick Ben up from school.  Dr. Vicki told me he had cataracts, which is expected for a dog his age, but all I could think about was how he would now use that to not want to drive or use the chainsaw.  Go figure!

The good news however is that it is all cut up.I do have three fairly small stumps to dig out, but that is far less than how I began my day.  It has however exhausted me.  Oh sure, I DID HAVE VISIONS of finishing and THEN getting into that chair, with a book (and some glasses as I cannot see anymore) and that DRINK…….but I am just too tired.

And I would have the dog pour me one, but it would just be a mess…..he cannot see either.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


PS…..tonight’s picture is of Stephanie and her friend Krissy at university.  Neither one helped me in the yard, but they are both young and can see, and as they are at college I certainly know they are capable of pouring….

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