A day to remember……..

Today on the Sunday after All Saints Day (November 1) we took the opportunity to remember those saints of God who walked the walk of faith before us. It is a special day, and one on which I pause to give special thanks.

I thank the Lord this day for the lives of two of my sisters, Stephanie and Sarah, who entered eternal life much too soon. For my great-grandparents, three of my grandparents, which includes my grandfather, “the architect of my life!” I also remember many friends and others who helped shape the part of the world I walked in. We often are so focused on the present that we forget all those others who made the present possible.

And I also thank the Lord for those saints I did not know, who walked the walk before us. It takes all of God’s people to make all of life work. I am thankful for them all. But today I am particularly thankful that both you and I are His saints as well.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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