Let them eat cake………

On Tuesday and Thursday nights we do NOT HAVE Taekwondo, so occasionally we get to go out to eat and enjoy each other’s company…that is unless you decide to become infected with some good old fashioned Red Robin Depression.

And of course that was the case for us tonight.  And I will confess that is is bad enough coming to a burger joint and not eating the fries or the bun, but then to have you son be a BUTT and not even help his mom with dessert, well that just beats all in my book. (I was going to say “takes the cake” but as a dieter, I am trying to not torture myself)

But in the picture he DOES look depressed, and that is despite scarfing down a grilled cheese and a ton of fries.  Countless numbers of potatoes and tomatoes gave their sorry little vegetable lives for him tonight, and he dissed them by getting snotty and not even eat dessert.

I however, HAVE NO PATIENCE for any of it.  I would have LOVED to have a fries or some ketchup or even to SNIFF the bun…..no patience, no sympathy.

All I feel for him is……….well really nothing as I am starving.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


PS…in the words of Marie Antoinette……”let them eat cake”…..but not in front of me!

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