A day of lacrosse and now rest…….

Today has been a long day, the end of which we spent at Scotty’s lacrosse game. It is such a great time and my only regret is that lacrosse was not an available sport when I was a young man. I think I would have really enjoyed it. I am not sure if they have an “Over the Hill” league, but if they do, count me in!

Today also marked the end of voluntary fall practices for the girl’s high school team of which I am the coach. We offered the opportunity to practice, and enjoyed it. The girls and I were so amazed to have 70 degree weather in November. There should be SNOW! Anyway, it was good to be out and active. We play tomorrow at 4:20 in the indoor league in Carmel, and it will be a great way to kick off the weekend.

Today will also mark the first time I am heading to bed before 9:30!!! I have been up too late and too early too many days, so it will be nice to get some rest. Ben has been up the last few nights, so going to bed early may be helpful to be sharp at 3 am when he wants to talk!

So it is off to bed for me. I apologize for the lack of depth tonight, but we all know how it is when we are tired! I hope you have had a blessed day.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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