Remembering that I cannot remember to call……

I have the short-term memory of………well, actually I do not remember. Case in point is an email I received this afternoon from Mike Constantine. Mike is a great guy, with the patience of Job, who works for Family Life, which is a subsidiary of Campus Crusade for Christ.

Since my stroke, I have had it in my mind to call Mike probably 100 times, it is just sadly been in my mind. It amazes me that I can remember details from the 1970’s but somehow cannot remember things in the short-term, even when I really try to. I have written notes to call Mike, and have even put it in my calendar. I do not want to go as far as the tattoo, but by God I need to remember this one. Mike stays in touch, emails, and even prays for me and my family. He’s a real quality guy, and I am really going to try to get it right THIS WEEK.

I sent Mike a reply to his email and said I was going to make sure I would call, and one of the ways to make sure I do is to write it here! I am asking you (my blog readers) to help remind me by praying for my memory Thursday and Friday, and particularly about calling Mike! I will post about it after I call, but I figure my best bet is to give it back to God! (and the call to Mike is one of MANY things I forget, but the one I want to accomplish the most) It seems silly that something so simple would be so hard, but I find my frustration often comes with not being able to get my mind around even the most simple of things.

As an example, I had a clear train of thought, but Amanda just asked me a question and now I cannot even remember what I was going to say after what I have just written. That seems pretty common to most, but this dynamic is my constant companion. My math skills are coming back, as well as complex thought, but remembering, and remembering to remember, just evade me!

Anyway, with all that garble I will sign off for the night. Within 48 hours though I intend to talk to my friend Mike and celebrate a victory! At least that’s the plan (like it has been before!) Pray, pray, pray! And Mike, be waiting for that call!

Good night and God Bless!


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