A Thanksgiving to remember…….

This morning, very early, I received a call from the family of Jane Barrett. Jane is a parishioner at St. Anne’s in Anderson. The call was to let me know she had an aneurysm that was bleeding and that she was being life-lined down to St. Vincent’s Hospital in Indianapolis.

Both Deacon Morgan and I went to St. Vincent’s. PT has known Jane his entire life, and as for me, Jane is one of my all-time favorites. A few weeks ago she came up and introduced herself to me, since I had not been at St. Anne’s for a few weeks. She is always a hoot, and gives you the business anytime, okay every time she can.

This was a scary call. Not too many people in her condition survive, and I think we all knew what she was up against. BUT, getting into surgery was a big victory, and we were thankful for that. After a wait, the chaplain was out to tell us the surgery was over, and a short time later the surgeon was out to tell us the operation to remove the aneurysm was a success. Jane was still very critical, but she had beat a lot to get to even this point.

The good news is that after many prayers and lots of good care at St. V’s, Jane has stabilized. I saw her again this evening and though she is still unconscious, and will be for days, it was a real blessing to be able to put my hand on her as I said a prayer for her. She is a good friend, and though her Thanksgiving may not have been what she wanted, of all the people I know, today she has the most to be thankful for. She has made this Thanksgiving a day to remember for a lot of us. And for Jane, her life, her family, and for those who are providing her care, I am very thankful.

Please keep her in your prayers…..she has a long way to go, but thanks be to God, she will be on that journey with us!

Good night my friends and God Bless. And, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Fr. Tom+

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