Looking for meaning and purpose in the midst of chaos…..

Tomorrow we begin the Season of Advent. Advent is a time of preparation, preparation for the coming of Christ, and a season also to prepare for the celebration of Christmas on December 25th. It is short, but meaningful, in that I think it really helps to center Christians as to what the true meaning of Christmas is all about.

But sadly, society seems to be upside down in terms of the real meaning of Christmas. Thanksgiving has become the starter’s pistol of what people are now calling the Christmas Season, but we know deep down that is far from true. It seems all about shopping these days and great deals. It is commercial, commercial, commercial. Dear Lord, the news is full of videos of people fighting (physically) while shopping for deals, and some poor soul lost his life (he was trampled by shoppers yesterday) just opening a door at a Wal-Mart. Truly we need what the Church has to offer. Truly the world needs to rediscover meaning and purpose in Christ.

Engaging in a Holy Advent is one way to get there, and I encourage you to try it. Life is far bigger than deals, Christmas parties, and presents….it is full of purpose and meaning if we look for it. And, finding that purpose and meaning really is what makes life worth living.

My friends, I hope you look for the real present that God has prepared for you. I hope you find meaning and purpose through the celebration of a Holy Advent!

God Bless you and good night!


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