A stay of a merciful kind……

Though we wanted to take possession of our new facility for St. Patrick’s today, the amount of work that needed to be done before that could happen exceeded the amount of time we had. Our first service in the new St. Patrick’s therefore will be moved from December 7 to December 14. It’s not a large amount of time, but it does allow us to not have to rush as much to get things done.

Even though we are not responsible for the renovations, we still have to acquire all the things that go inside that we do not yet have. We have been at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds for a year and a half and they have things like chairs, tables, and podiums, all of which we must get within the next two weeks. There’s still a lot of work for us, so I suppose we can thank God for the extra time. The big thing was to be in there by Christmas…..and we will!

Keep praying for us! We are still hoping to receive donations for the new equipment (the tables and chairs). We need about 40-50 chairs and about 5 tables. We anticipate needing between $1000 – $1500 for that. We are confident that the Lord will provide, not just because that’s what we believe, but also because He always has!

Anyway, this delay will make my Tuesday a little less frantic, as I hope yours will be as well. I was able Jane Barrett in the hospital tonight and she and I had a nice talk! Praise God! God’s blessings are all around us…..can you see them? I hope so! They make life a lot more exciting!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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