Go Lady Millers Go Go Go!!

Tonight the Noblesville Lady Millers, of which I am the coach, took the field for the final game of the indoor season. Both our boys teams finished the season last night, and tonight was our turn. The stands were full, and I am happy to say that we did not disappoint….at all.

Before the game I told them that if we played “our game” there would be no beating us, and that’s exactly what they did. The girl’s played better than they ever have, just like they practice, and their flawless performance led to a remarkable victory. You see, this team beat us twice last year, and one of those times in the finals. In the indoor season we split, but the last time they beat us badly. It was very good for the girl’s to play so well.

Anyway, I am off to bed while the day is going so well! Congrats Lady Millers! I am so proud of you. We are on our way to a great season this year!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless. Thanks for checking in!


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