Of joy, of work, and of rest……..

We finally held our first service at the new St. Patrick’s today and it was a joyous event. I wish I was not so tired, but the people and the cake made it well worthwhile. We still have a lot to do to the facility and most of that will take place this week. I will be much more prepared to be there too, having slept after doing our Riverwalk service with Amanda (and Ben) in the early afternoon. I was exhausted!

And of course, as you may imagine, I still am! I notice very few problems from my stroke anymore, but if I am tired or stressed they float right to the surface. Today those problems were everywhere, but I can laugh them off. I can banish them quickly with just a little more sleep.

So of course that’s where I am going…..to bed. I hope to wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (as my grandma would say) and the best way to get there is to turn in.

So goodnight my friends and God Bless you! It has been a busy, but great day. I hope and pray that yours was wonderful as well.


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