Heading east in my heart…………….

Just a few minutes ago Stephanie and Scott bid us farewell and left for New York City with their grandfather. My dad was born and raised in Brooklyn, and the kids have never been. He is excited to take them there for their first visit, and they are excited too. My dad’s wife Debby, and my sister Anna are also along. It should be a great time.

As for me, it was hard to see them go. New York City is a big place and not Indiana! I am sure they will do fine, I always have, but I will worry about them nonetheless. I will keep myself busy with Ben, and await their return.

Other than that, today has been a day to catch up on my rest as I have been able. I am still pretty wiped out, but hopefully can recharge within the next few days.

So anyway, no big news! I am from Indiana and I like it that way!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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