Remembering my sister Stephanie today……on her birthday.

Had she not died of cancer in 2001, today my sister Stephanie would have turned 46 and would have received some sort of passive aggressive gift from me reminding her of how old she was. Unfortunately I cannot send it, but I can think of her and remember her fondly on this day.

Steph was diagnosed with cancer the week before I went to seminary in 1986. Though I was supposed to go on vacation, I instead drove up to Chicago to pick her up to take her to a doctor in South Bend the very next morning. So we spent the week together, one I will always remember, but a week I wish she never had to go through.

My relationship with my sister was always intense… Notre Dame, you either love them or hate them, but with us it always went back and forth. We were two siblings who were fiercely devoted to each other, but who also would probably want to throw the other out in front of a bus at any point if it were just legal! We could pull each other’s chains better than even our spouses, and often could by just being in the same room. But we wouldn’t trade a moment, or at least I wouldn’t. We loved each other very much, and I miss her every day.

My daughter Stephanie is named for her, and they had about 10 great years together before she died. Steph got a lot of joy from that and so did I. And now when my daughter yanks my chain, I just remember she can’t help it…it’s in her name!

On this day I rejoice for my sister Stephanie! I am thankful for her and for her life. But more than anything, in faith, I am thankful that one day I will see her again (and pull her chain!)

God Bless!


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