Cleaning up the mess…….

Forgive Father, for it has been 3 days (NO NOW 4 DAYS!) since my last blog post, and I am truly sorry and I humbly repent. I am just adjusting to the changes going on in my life and apparently not adjusting very well.

Yes, I rejoined BOOTCAMP on Monday, and I am in for an ENTIRE YEAR.  I also started Taekwondo with my family, and intend to go until they through me out or I injure myself irreparably.  Both things could happen at any time.  AND of course I have that whole I am a priest and the head of a Holy Order thing going on, which keeps me busy by itself.  It was a lot to do in one week.

Oh yes, but there is MORE.  Our waterproofing company, that took A LOT of moola from us and tore the hell out of our basement and left it a MESS (AND we now get a LOT of H2O down there which is what we in the old days called WATER) came back after firing the foreman on our job and told me that they could not fix what had been done that day (Friday) as the ENTIRE JOB was done WRONG and they would need to come BACK OUT (NEXT Thursday and Friday).  They are starting over!!!!

But it is all good, seeing as I am clearly just sitting on my butt and not doing anything these days!! (Yes, there is just a slight bit of SARCASM is that!!!)

But I am working hard and so will they be.  I am cleaning up my life, they will be (fixing first) then cleaning up my basement, and Viper (in the picture) is cleaning up the scraps of the steak I grilled my bride.

Life is good, but I clearly do not understand it.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


AND A BIG PS……..after writing this my computer (a MAC) DIED……no luck fixing it and I will be taking it in to be repaired tomorrow.

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