On winning

This is actually a surprise post. I am not a member of the Cult of Apple, although I use a MacBook Pro, have an iPad, and an iPhone. I switched to it originally for a reason, but have never bought onto the wonderful superiority of one over another. I do not have the bitten apple logo stickers they give you with your computer on my truck, as I am far more irritated Apple and Microsoft refuse to talk collaborate with each other. People like me always have a hard time when we have to use these two competing technologies simultaneously.

But I use a program called Omnifocus that helps me mange my life. Yes, it is a “system” that is designed to get things done in one’s life.  A businessman might use it to manage his job and all he has to do, but for me, I use it to parallel a damaged brain, as when I struggle it is easily capable of being that brain for where I can forget and get confused, it never does.  It has been a wonderful companion.

But that program is only on Apple, and although it works seamlessly without fail, what does not do the same is my new MacBook Pro. Did I mention it was new? You see it is NEW.  But on Sunday, it died, even though it was fully charged. But it was NEW.  I had a lot going on that I was working on, and it is ALL backed up, but in reality a dead computer doesn’t connect all that well with a backup. Why, because it is DEAD.

Oh but no worries as Apple has great customer service. Over the years we have purchased 2 iPhones, 5 iPads, and two MacBook Pros. If you have an issue you go online and enter a serial number and call and you are taken through resolution fairly quickly. In the cult, even as a peripheral or resistant member, you get that Disneyworld kind of “fast pass” service.  Of course that is unless the last NEW Mac is somehow put under an old email address you deactivated, and they don’t know who you are and you can no longer sign in under it. In that case you wait on hold for a LONG time waiting to talk to anyone you can, as you are not identified as “one of them.”  It is like Purgatory with provocation as you are forced to listen to on-hold music about how seamlessly and well all their products work. It just seemed a lot longer as my computer was DEAD. And then, when they did answer and were very nice, I could have an appointment to bring it in on TUESDAY in Indianapolis (50 miles away and I a BUSY) or I could drive it to Mishawaka (my hometown) on Sunday (2.5 hours) but it sounded like they would be keeping it.  If I took it to Mishawaka, I would have to pick it up there too…..whenever it was done.

So I kept the appointment for Tuesday (today) and got myself out of Purgatory alone. I read up about this problem on Mac sites and by myself in a few hours was able to get it turned on, and at least finish some of the work. Today it died again, even though I still consider it NEW, and I drove the hour to the Apple Store and met with them expecting to keep it. On the phone they had told me to expect that, the guy I met said originally he thought we would be replacing it, but he was able to get it moving and working, and said at least I could take it and get my work that is on some urgent deadline done this week, and deal with it if it happens again.

During a normal time of life I would have told them I just needed the new one then, which I would have to wait for, but his offer was quite sensible. I needed to work my real plan and not a back-up one. But regardless, being able to do so was a surprise. As was being able to post this, as I certainly could not do so on my phone.

But here I am, willing, and now still able. Don’t get me wrong, this to me is all still a mess and the fact that it is as late as it is reflects the fact that there has been a significant detour in my week. But I will take it as a small victory and a win rather than the first domino to fall of a chain. The perspective it big, the win is better.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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