Of flying time and dreams of rest………

Today has come and gone, and it seems as if I just got up! I do not know why that happens, but I do know that I very rarely hear kids speak that way, just adults.

It’s not just the days either, it’s years. When did I get to be 47 and why do I have to think pretty hard of what age I am now anyway?? Does it really have to be that way? It just give my kids ammunition to verify that I am getting old and confused! And often I tend to believe it myself. I am mostly sharp when no one else is around, and my memory of my athletic career is far more spectacular in those times as well!

I am hoping and praying to have a long relaxing day sometime soon, you know, the kind where you feel great and where you think it is much later than it really is……..only to find you have lots more time to enjoy the day than you thought! Oh for that kind of day! I suppose we all would like that though. Hopefully it can come true for us all.

Anyway, maybe at least I can get some sleep! The day is done, everything is ready for tomorrow, and only the stair are between me and my bed. I will give it a go! Hopefully you have had a blessed day!

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.


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