The slow progress of negotiation…………

God willing, tomorrow we will hear from the contractor about getting our house back together. They have been going back and forth with the insurance company, not about what need to be done to repair the damage from our busted pipes a few days before Christmas, but instead how much it will cost. The sad reality in all of that is that we still do not have use of a large portion of our house, and that is pretty frustrating! Hopefully tomorrow will see things get moving forward again.

In the meantime, we continue to adapt. All our bathrooms are now upstairs, and that is only inconvenient when we have company. Not everyone does stairs well, so it will be nice to have the downstairs bathroom back. We do a lot at our home, gatherings, meetings, Bible studies, etc. Not having it completely functional is a real pain.

The big problem is that all the kids music stuff is in the basement, which is total disarray. Both Stephanie and Scott are musicians, so they love to play. But with Ben having an early bedtime, they need the basement……and so do we! Wandering minstrels make doing lots of things pretty challenging!

So please keep our house in your prayers! Hopefully all this will be settled soon!

Keeping the faith here!!! God Bless you!


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