An icky and sad experience…….

I came into the CVS where my daughter works tonight to see if she wanted me to go pick her up dinner and she was visibly shaken. A woman came in who was angry about the Minute Clinic not being open for her young son to get his ear checked out absolutely unloaded on Stephanie, yelling at her in front of customers. To make it even more sad, the woman did this with her young son with her. What a wonderful example.

It saddens me that these types of incidents are more frequent these days…..they should not happen at all. People treat others with disrespect and this takes place all around us. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised though, seeing as that’s pretty much the examples we see on TV. The election itself was filled with a nastiness I cannot ever remember happening before, and there seems to be no end to what is acceptable.

I do hope this woman gets some help, both for her son’s ear, and for herself. Her anger will leave an indelible mark on my daughter, and it certainly wounded me. We all want the best for our kids, and even at 17 I want to be able to shelter her from the pain the world can inflict upon her. Sadly, she will continue to learn a lot of that on her own.

Please pray for Stephanie, for this woman, and particularly for her son. He is learning some pretty poor lessons.

But most of all pray for our society. It’s never too late to remember that we are all God’s children and with that should all treat each other with dignity and respect. I hope you take that to heart. We all can be better people.

Goodnight my friends, and God Bless.

Fr. Tom+

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