A new day, a new era……………..

Today the world watched as Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States. And though I did not vote for him, I do hope and pray for him, for his success is ultimately our success. And in these tumultuous times, we need success more than ever.

Ultimately we as a people, we as Americans, are much stronger by what bonds us together than the disagreements that keep us apart. I just hope in time we learn to define ourselves more by the label Americans than political affiliation, ideology, or race. It’s doable, and I pray that it happens and that a sense of civility can be restored to our society.

President Obama may not be the President I wanted, but he is now my President, and the one I will have for at least the next four years. He is not the first President I have not voted for, and Lord knows, he will not be the last. But our great nation is a free nation and a melting pot of voices. And on this day I give thanks to God for the opportunity to voice mine.

Congratulations to President Obama. May God Bless him as he serves this great country, and may God Bless all of us in these United States of America.

Fr. Tom+

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