A day of thankfulness and bliss……..

Yee ha! We have contractors in our house and things are moving along. I was told that they hope to be done within two weeks. It will be awesome to have our home back to normal again…..or at least as normal as it normally is!

Life just sometimes sidetracks, and we have to deal with what comes. Certainly we all want it in our own terms, but what I have found, in my short almost 48 years, is that it rarely ever is. Life generally spans the entire spectrum. But in truth we are only promised paradise in heaven, not here. Oh sure, living with my wife Amanda is like living that kind of paradise all the time šŸ˜‰ but most everything else can go back and forth.

I am writing and posting this early today because I have been working hard and I just have a hankering that I will be pretty tired tonight after returning from our men’s Bible study. But it has been a good day so far, and I hope it stays that way until its end. I am thankful for that, and I hope your day has been just as good as well.

God Bless you my friends!


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