A very very difficult time……

Things seemed so good last night as I finished up everything and let the dogs out. They enjoy going out, but one enjoys pushing the limits, my wife’s dog Spencer. I tell him about 5 to 10 times per time out to “stay in the yard,” but if you take your eye off him for a second, he sometimes bolts down the street or into the corn when it is there. I have chased him more often than I can count, sometimes successfully, but sometimes not. But on the “not” times, if it is night, I wake up about every hour and go check for him at the back door. He gets there every time, sooner or later. All but this time that is.

Last night at 2:30 am we were awoken by the police who were at our door to let us know that Spencer had went out onto the highway and had been struck and killed. We were obviously heartbroken, and Amanda especially. It was a difficult time, and still is.

I went out at 3 am to find him and bring him home, which I did. And though I could not get him to the vet to be cremated today, nor tomorrow, since I have a funeral in Nashville, I will Tuesday. He will then wait to be buried with two of our other dogs, Pepsi (our first Golden), and Tweety (Scotty’s first show dog) when we move to more suitable place to raise and breed Goldens after Scotty graduates. Spencer was a good boy, and part of our family. He deserves to make the trip to the farm….and he will.

Please keep us in your prayers, and particularly Amanda. We just miss him, but we are thankful to have had him.

God Bless.


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