Snow days with benefits……..

Praise God, the drywall is almost all up and most of it is taped. The basement is looking like a basement again! That makes me very happy too! I worked from home all day today, and got a lot done, but will have to go out tonight despite the snow to do a few things I didn’t want to haul Ben around with me to do. It should be a quick trip. I have a full schedule on deck for tomorrow.

Days like today when I was a youngster meant money! In the age before snow blowers we used these things that were actually called “snow shovels” and for a couple of bucks we would use them to shovel people’s driveways. Sure, it was the old days, days of horse-drawn carriages and dinosaurs, but shoveling and mowing lawns was how we made our money, and plus it was a lot of fun.

I still enjoy it too, though I know it can be pretty strenuous. I usually take a Golden or two out with me when I do, because each shovel full is an adventure. I am just trying to get it off the drive and the walks, but they think each one is a playful attack on them. It takes a bit longer to shovel with them “helping,” but it warms up even the coldest night. I never laugh so hard working in all my life. And as I look outside I am afraid we have an opportunity tonight!

So off to get my shovel I go. Stay warm my friends, I know I will. And while I am thinking about dogs, say a prayer for Buster and his owners Mike and Barbara. Good old Buster had surgery to remove a tumor on his side this morning and will spend the night tonight at the animal hospital. He stopped by this morning to see me on his way there. But I am sure he could use it, and I know they would appreciate it. Hopefully he will be going home tomorrow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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