Backseat Driving…………

Yes, this is not Viper’s usual spot, but when Amanda is in my truck, she takes his seat and he is relegated to the backseat, which as you can see does not bother me in the least.

What I want to share with you this evening is that although my computer was gone and I was not posting entries, our life was still going on and I was still taking pictures.  I cannot say when this one was taken, (although Viper might remember) but we have been all over the place in the past few weeks dropping off computers, picking them up, helping Scotty to find a car (he bought one and will pick it up on leave), and of course the ever-popular work.  So I have plenty of pictures (no not the vacationing ones that are in that lab in California, but the local ones), I just don’t have all the content to go along with them…..yet.

But tonight’s picture is from my truck, somewhere here in the US.  And Ben is in his usual position, as he always has been, is now, and hopefully will not forever more be, on his booster seat, in the backseat, giving never ending advice and direction connected to how he knows far more than me.

After all, he is now a “white belt with TWO yellow tips”, a superhero, and now a SUPER microbiologist scientist, as his mom is just a microbiologist and his sister almost just a scientist.  And yes, he feels all that trumps being a US Marine as well.

And I do notice that he never says anything about what I do………..he probably passed me before preschool.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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