The infirmary is still open……

I am being watched/supervised as I type out this blog entry. Ben has somehow made his way into my bed and though his mom is asleep, he seems to be waiting for a Bunnytown video or a Veggietales video to pop up on the screen. Unfortunately for him, neither will be happening, but you cannot fault the little guy for his faith!

Amanda and Scott are still both sick. Amanda seems to be getting a little better, but was unable to host the Women’s Bible Study tonight. Scott and I took a trip to the doctor which included x-rays, antibiotics and other meds. Scott was also told that he got Ben’s pink eye, but that is no wonder. They are always wrestling with each other.

Steph and I seem fine, and apparently Ben is too…other than selective baby insomnia. Treatment is of course a trip right back into his room, which will be happening shortly, unless by some miracle he happens to conk out!

Anyway, please continue to keep Amanda and Scott in your prayers. Life is hard when you are sick, and they both have had a rough few days. It would be nice to just seem them both feeling well and have a little normalcy around the Tirman home…..oh I can dream!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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