Time flies………..

Suddenly I looked and it was 10:30! Where does the time go? I know I have been busy, but time has just flown today. Ben and I did take Scott to lunch, since he is still sick and unable to go to school, but clearly that was the most exciting part of my day!

The good news however is that everyone is getting better, and hopefully by the weekend everyone will be fine. The restoration company will be here in the morning to clean the carpets in the basement, and that will finish off the basement!!! Our flooring should be in by Friday and then installed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week! Yes, the house may be done by the 20th! (Of course I have believed that before, but I am praying hard!)

I have to say though that I am looking forward to it all being done. I just want it to get it back to normal. Life when it is normal can be boring, but I LOVE my life when it is lived in that Mayberry sort of way!

Okay, it is off to bed for me. Amanda is watching Demetri Martin and it is almost over, as the day is as well. My hope and prayer is that your day has been blessed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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