Of life in a Windy City………

There is more wind tonight than has ever come out of Washington DC……okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, in that there seems to be more wind there than anywhere. But the storm, though it was only interspersed with rain, was enough to make me wonder if we were not in a reenactment of the Wizard of Oz. It was really blowing.

But after our men’s group, I was able to get home to the safety and security of our home. Most of the power was out between St. Patrick’s and our house, as well as most of our neighborhood. But the power grid appears to run through just a block over and our street had lights. I felt badly for those without power, but I was thankful that ours was on…..particularly every time I heard that sump pump working.

But the day was pretty good. Our new (non-defective) floor was delivered and will begin to be installed on Monday. I was told our house should be completed by next Friday. And Amanda and I even agreed that we would get the couch and chair that will go in the family room, completing everything, before she leaves to visit her mom in Kansas next week. Yep….by the time she gets home I will have everything set up. It will be wonderful.

Anyway, lets hope the wind dies down and power is restored everywhere. These are violent winds. Pray that they do little damage and that everyone in their path remains safe!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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